Appointee Biographies
Ontario Land Tribunal
Mary-Anne Sills brings a wealth of tribunal, municipal, and community experience to the position of Vice-Chair. She was first appointed to the Ontario Municipal Board in 2007. Drawing on her wide-ranging adjudicative experience, she has consistently demonstrated the ability for impartial decision-making, informed by her knowledge of legislation and jurisprudence. Moreover, through her Municipal Board work, her previous experience as a Municipal Councillor and as Mayor of the City of Belleville (1988-2006), and her community volunteer service, she has proven herself as a leader, mentor, and role model. Ms. Sills is a graduate of Loyalist College in Belleville.
Steven Cooke has been serving on the Ontario Land Tribunal as member (full-time) since 2019. Steven is a former Local Councilor for the Municipality of Clarington, and a former Trustee for Kawartha Pine Ridge Public School Board. Steven’s community involvement includes serving as a Director for Navy League of Bowmanville.
Prior to her appointment as Vice-Chair, Shannon Braun, of Bluewater, served as Member of the Ontario Land Tribunal. She is also former Member/Adjudicator with Tribunals Ontario, Social Justice Division (Social Benefits Tribunal), and a former Member/Adjudicator of Tribunals Ontario with the Safety Licensing Appeals & Standards Division (Licence Appeals Accident Benefits).
Carrie Hardy, of the Blue Mountains, is former Real Estate Legal Counsel and Staffing Manager of the University of Toronto - Real Estate Operations. She is also former Legal Counsel In House with TELUS Communications Company, and former Head of Client Care and Transaction Management with the Sutton Group. Her community involvement has included serving as director of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Durham.
William Middleton was called to the Ontario Bar in 1988, William is a seasoned legal and business professional. He was a commercial litigator at top Canadian law firms, including Borden Ladner Gervais and Miller Thomson in Toronto. He has also been a 4-time General Counsel with a variety of public and private companies and has also served in other senior business executive roles at large and medium-sized Canadian corporations. He has considerable worldwide experience in managing complex litigation / ADR programs and has appeared in that role before courts and tribunals in both Canada and the US. Additionally, he and has testified as a lead corporate witness in many litigation and arbitration proceedings.
Scott Tousaw was appointed to the OLT in 2017 (OMB at that time) following a 31 year career in planning with the County of Huron. Mr. Tousaw is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP), a member of the Ontario Professional PIanners Institute and Canadian Institute of Planners, and has served on the boards of these provincial and national associations. He holds a Master of Arts in Geography and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Geography from the University of Waterloo. Mr. Tousaw has been a sessional instructor and guest lecturer at the Universities of Guelph and Waterloo and for 20 years advised delegates at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) annual conference.
Hugh Wilkins is a lawyer who was called to the Ontario Bar in 1998. He practiced law at Morris/Rose/Ledgett LLP and is a former adjunct professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. He holds Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Laws degrees from Queen's University and a Master of Laws degree from the London School of Economics.
Sharyn Vincent is a Vice Chair (full-time) of the Ontario Land Tribunal, Ministry of Attorney General, and a former principal for Vincent Planning & Development Consultants Inc. Sharon holds an Honors in Bachelor of Environmental Studies from University of Waterloo.
Douglas Colbourne has been an arbitrator and mediator in the fields of planning, expropriation, finance and construction for several decades. In the Province served on the OMB, LPAT, ARB, BON and Tarion. Was a member of two Committees in the City of Toronto, the C of A, and the Compliance Audit Committee was an Ontario Member for the Federal Boundaries Commission. Privately for other municipalities, utilities in the same fields.
After graduating in 1971 from Wilfrid Laurier University, Robert Steinberg commenced employment with the Province of Ontario, assessing all classes of property in several municipalities. In 1981, he obtained Accredited Appraiser status from the Appraisal Institute of Canada. In 1986, Mr. Steinberg began working for the Grand River Conservation Authority, acquiring lands for numerous projects and managing a complex real estate portfolio located in 32 municipalities throughout the watershed. In 1997, he obtained a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Western Ontario. In 2006, he became an appraiser and negotiator in the municipal sector. Mr. Steinberg has been a certified lecturer with the Appraisal Institute of Canada and has lectured in municipal real estate at the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario meetings. He is a member and former Director of the Ontario Expropriation Association and serves as a volunteer for various community organizations such as the Canadian Cancer Society. Mr. Steinberg has been a member of the Board of Negotiation (Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario) since 2011.
Tee Fung Ng is a consultant at Syed Alwi Ng & Co. Advocates & Solicitors, and a former advocate and solicitor at Benjamin Ng & Partners. Tee Fung Ng’s community involvement includes serving as a honorary legal advisor for NG Clan association.
Based in Metcalfe, Kurtis Andrews has practiced as an adjudicator since 2019. Prior to joining the OLT, he was Vice-chair of the Normal Farm Practices Protection Board and carried on a province-wide legal practice with a focus on Rural and Agricultural issues. An alumnus of York University, Brock University, the University of Ottawa and Conestoga College, Mr. Andrews was called to the Ontario Bar in 2010 and is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators, and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. His volunteer work includes a number of food-related community initiatives and minor hockey.
Sharon Dionne, has over 30 years of professional experience in land use planning and land development, having worked in both planning consulting and in senior roles for Greater Golden Horseshoe Area Builder/Developers. Sharon holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, (Honours Co-op) from the University of Waterloo. She is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP), and long-standing member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) and Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI). Sharon is Past Chair, Durham Chapter of Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) and Former Chair, Town of Ajax Committee of Adjustment.
Ashley Mason is a lawyer with experience in land development and multidisciplinary development project management. Initially practicing corporate law in Toronto, Ashley moved into the land development sphere where she acted in a legal and business capacity to advise and deliver residential and commercial projects from planning through to construction. Ashley holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from McMaster University, a Masters of Arts from University of Western Ontario and an LL.B. from Osgoode Hall Law School. Ashley is also Chair of SurfearNEGRA, a not-for-profit venture dedicated to promoting gender and cultural diversity in the sport of surfing.
Félix Lavoie is a lawyer and member of the Law Society of Ontario. He practiced law as counsel to Natural Resources Canada with the Department of Justice and clerked with the Tax Court of Canada. He previously served nine years as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. He received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Royal Military College, and a Juris Doctor degree from the Faculty of Law of Queen's University. He resides in Kingston and serves as a director with various community organizations.
Jennifer Innis is an Interim Acting Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Orangeville, a former Regional Councilor for the Region of Peel (2014-2022), and a former Councilor for the Town of Caledon (2014-2022). Her community involvement has included serving as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.
Nehad Allam is an Architect, Planner and Development Consultant for Array International Architects Inc., a former Architect & Associate for Rounthwaite, Dick & Hadley Architects, and a former Architecture Designer for WZMH. His community involvement has included serving as a member for SGI Canada (NGO)- Value Creation Society for promotion of Peace, Culture and Education.
Dale Chipman has over 20 years of experience in municipal and provincial administration. She holds an Executive Certificate in Conflict Resolution from the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law and a Diploma in Municipal Administration. Ms. Chipman has experience in dispute resolution having served as Chair of the Committee of Adjustments for several municipalities across Durham Region and Northumberland County. She has been an active participant on the boards of Northumberland Unity Way, Port Hope Northumberland Community Health Centre, Group 74 and the Port Hope Police Services Board.
Pavel Tomilin is a seasoned professional in the Financial Service industry. He brings knowledge and expertise in business management as well as in personal finances. Pavel has served on council as well as many statutory committees for one of the regulatory colleges in Ontario for a number of years.
Sarah Bobka served for seven years as a Trustee for the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, which included five years as the Vice-Chairperson of the Board and Chairperson of the Budget Committee. Sarah also worked in various roles in communications, sales, and marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from Queen’s University. Her past community involvement has included acting as a director and/or member on numerous community boards.
Eric Crowe is a lawyer and member of the Law Society of Ontario. He previously served several years with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine as an International Monitor. Prior to that Eric was Duty Counsel for Legal Aid Ontario in Manitoulin Island. He Started his career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, then as Legal Policy Analyst for the Union of Ontario Indians and Senior Aboriginal Policy Advisor for the Canadian Defence Academy, Department of National Defence. A graduate of the University of Ottawa, Common Law Program and Osgoode Hall Law School, Intensive Program in Indigenous Lands, Resources & Governments. He has received the Queens Jubilee Medal, United Nations Medal and several military medals from having served in the United States Marine Corps. Eric is a proud member of Alderville First Nation.
Steve DeBoer has a background as a Chartered Director. He has served as a public member for Veridian Corporation and served as the Chair of the Committee in forming the new Elexicon Group. This new corporation’s purpose was to create utility revenue from unregulated sources. Steve was the leader in the hiring of the first CEO and with the other board members, created the strategic direction of the corporation. Steve most recently was a member of the Durham Regional Police Services Board and served as the Chair of the Human Resources Committee. Steve also served as a part time member of the Ontario Review Board as a public member.
Prior to being appointed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, Bita M. Rajaee practiced in the area of civil litigation. She attended before various levels of the Ontario Courts and numerous administrative tribunals, where she passionately sought the best results by looking at each matter practically and strategically. She is a member of the Law Society of Ontario. She obtained her JD from Osgoode Hall Law School, has a Masters of Arts from the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor of Humanities from Carleton University.
Andrew Snowdon is a Professional Geoscientist with a PhD in Civil Engineering. He has spent close to a decade conducting research on environmental issues related to water resources and teaching undergraduate courses at the University of Waterloo.
Yasna Faghani, of Mississauga, is a Lawyer with Crawford and Company Canada. She is also a former Lawyer with TD Staff Legal and former Associate Marketing Manager with General Mills Canada. Her community involvement has included serving as Sponsorship Co-lead with Yara Leadership Society.
Robert Ackerman is from Windsor and Oakville, Ontario, and a graduate of University of Toronto (B.A.), York University (M.A.) and University of Windsor. (LL.B.). Robert has been an Ontario lawyer since 1984, with 30 years' experience representing property owners and stake holders in proceedings under the Expropriations Act and the Planning Act, and in conducting complex Hearings at the OMB, the LPAT, the Tax Court of Canada, Superior Court of Justice, and Appeals in the Divisional Court, Ontario Court of Appeal, Federal Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada.
Steven Dixon is a Registered Professional Planner and a Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. He has 15 years of land use planning and policy experience in both the private and public sectors, including the municipalities of Toronto, Vaughan and Caledon. He has acted as an expert witness at the Ontario Municipal Board, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and Ontario Land Tribunal on numerous occasions. Steven holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Honours Planning from the University of Waterloo and a Master of Environment and Sustainability from Western University.
Before being appointed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, Kurtis Smith was the Mayor of the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe and Councilor for the County of Middlesex, serving as the County Warden in 2019. His formal education is in Urban Planning, and he has sat on various municipal boards and committees.
Jean-Pierre is a member of both the Ontario Bar and the Quebec Bar. He hold law degrees from both McGill University (B.C.L. and LL.B.) and the University of Melbourne (LL.M.). Prior to his appointment to the Tribunal, he held numerous senior positions in the Federal Government over his 28 year career including Assistant Deputy Minister, Receiver General and Pensions (Public Service and Procurement Canada), Queen’s Printer for Canada, and Assistant Secretary for Government Operations (Treasury Board Secretariat). He notably was instrumental in the successful negotiations amongst UN Member States that resulted in Anti-Doping in Sports treaty at UNESCO. He also was a director of both the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Bid Corporation and the Canadian Television Fund Corporation. He was Chairperson and CEO of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) from 2012 to 2017. He received the Award for Excellence in Leadership from the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX) in 2010 and the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in 2015. Jean-Pierre is fluent in French and English. He resides in Arnprior, Ontario.
David Brown is a land use planning consultant and has been operating a private practice since leaving the City of Mississauga in 1999, where he had been the Secretary Treasurer to the Committee of Adjustment. David is a Past President of the Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment and Consent Authorities and has received two Civic Recognition Awards from the City of Mississauga for his community involvement serving as the Chairman of the Traffic Safety Council for ten years. David resides in the Niagara region where his family owns and operates a tourism related business.
Nazanin Eisazadeh is a lawyer with extensive experience in civil and complex commercial litigation. She has attended before various levels of Court and numerous administrative tribunals, understanding the complexities of the adjudicative process. Nazanin is a member of the Law Society of Ontario, having been called to the Ontario Bar in 2013. She obtained her Juris Doctorate from the University of Ottawa, with a specialization in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from York University.
Carolyn Molinari is a member of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and has over 30 years experience as an Urban Planner, most recently as the owner and principal of CM Planning Inc. providing planning consulting services to various private sector clients. She also has international experience working as a planning consultant for the government of The Bahamas. In the past, Carolyn has acted as an expert witness in land development matters before the former OMB/LPAT and served as a member/Vice Chair of the Town of Ajax Committee of Adjustment for twelve years and as a member of the Region of Durham Land Division Committee for four years.
Gwen Croser is a lawyer and member of the Law Society of Ontario. After articling in-house with a large crown corporation, she practiced municipal law and commercial litigation at Unified LLP. Before her legal career, Gwen provided clients from the horse racing industry with accounting and taxation advice and services. She also led educational seminars on the economics of racehorse ownership at racetracks throughout Ontario. Gwen holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours with Distinction) from the University of Guelph and obtained her JD from Western University.
Daniel Best was appointed to the Ontario Land Tribunal in 2022 after a municipal career spanning over 30 years at the local and County levels. In addition to his municipal knowledge, Mr. Best has served on several boards and committees, gaining a solid knowledge of governance and finance. He holds a BA from York University and master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Western Ontario.
Lyndsy You, of Oakville, is a Project Manager at Metrolinx. She is also a former Development Coordinator for the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and a former Urban Design Technician for the City of Markham. Her community involvement includes serving as a committee of adjustment member for the Town of Oakville.
Steven Mastoras is a successful entrepreneur, community leader and small business advocate. Passionate about economic development, community engagement and government policy. A Member/Adjudicator at the Landlord and Tenant Board, a previously licensed real estate professional and community relations consultant, Rotarian and member of the Michael Garron Hospital “Heart of the East” Campaign. An elected Councillor in the Borough of East York, past member Board of Directors for Restaurants Canada, and the Toronto East General Hospital Board of Governors and Foundation, past Assistant District Governor with Rotary International, and past member, Homes First Foundation Board of Directors.
Carmine Tucci comes to the Tribunal from a private practice in Dispute Resolution. As a mediator, Mr. Tucci provides consulting and dispute resolution services related to construction development and other matters. In this position, Mr. Tucci oversees disputes, mediation and adjudication under applicable legislation. He has held volunteer positions as Co-Chair of SantaFest Parade in Vaughan, a Committee Member of Vaughan in Motion for Cancer Care, a Board Member of the Vaughan Recognition Society and a Fundraising Committee Member of Hospice Vaughan.
Warren Morris divides his time between public service (in addition to BON, part-time appointments with the Assessment Review Board and the Environmental Review Tribunal), operating a dispute resolution practice and working in the private mortgage lending business. He is a chartered mediator and runs a practice consisting primarily of commercial mediation. He is a roster mediator with the International Property Tax Institute and the Farm Debt Mediation Service. Mr. Morris has a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics from McGill University, a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Western Ontario, and a Master of Laws degree specializing in Alternative Dispute Resolution from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Previously, he was a board member for various organizations, including the ADR Institute of Ontario and a legal aid clinic.
Jackie Denyes is a Certified Court Reporter with the Ministry of the Attorney General and Accredited Court Transcriptionist for the past 46 years. Elected for 15 years as a Municipal Councilor for the City of Belleville, she offers demonstrated experience as Chair, Vice-Chair and Board Member on 13 Committees of Council including the Planning Advisory Committee, Police Services Board, Quinte Conservation Authority, Fire Master Planning and Cultural Sister Cities Exchange. She has a genuine interest in local community engagement exemplified as President and Executive Board Member of Quinte Exhibition and Raceway, Parent Council and Girl Guides of Canada. She is the recipient of the Woman of Distinction Award, The Queen's Jubilee Pin, Canada Day Ambassador to Lahr, Germany, Ministry of Attorney General Awards of Excellence, Lifetime Director Quinte Exhibition and a named traffic circle dedication. She and her husband reside on their 5th Generation Holstein Dairy Farm in Belleville.
Gail Ross is a trained mediator and former Chief of Staff at a City of Toronto/Councillor’s Office. In her role, Ms. Ross managed stakeholder, media, government and constituency relations, authored complex strategic documents and gained significant knowledge of the land use planning and appeal process. Ms. Ross has a background in broadcast journalism and has been involved in community work throughout her career. She is a recipient of numerous awards, including the House of Commons Canada Awards for outstanding community contributions.
Debra Arnold holds a Bachelor of Arts (Urban Studies) from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Laws from Queen's University. Debra practised municipal law for approximately 30 years as inhouse counsel with the City of Kitchener and subsequently with the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. Debra's volunteer activities have included participating with Habitat for Humanity and as a swim coach with the Special Olympics.
Jennifer Campbell is a partner at Fogler Rubinoff LLP where her practice focuses on securities, corporate and mining law. She acts for both companies and registered dealers, and has extensive expertise working with junior issuers listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and Canadian Securities Exchange. In over 20 years of practice, she has been involved in numerous significant financings and complex commercial agreements for clients across a broad range of sectors. Jen has previously contributed as a legal commentator on CBC Metro Morning, and for the Globe and Mail and CBC Investigative Reports series. She is an adjunct professor at Brock University, and a faculty member for the Certificate in Mining Law program at Osgoode Hall Law School. Jen also sits on the Ontario Local Advisory Committee of the TSX Venture Exchange which provides recommendations with respect to policy, operational and strategic issues likely to have a significant impact on venture capital markets.
After graduating from the University of Ottawa, Ken began his career in the financial services industry working with companies like Manulife and Sunlife both in sales and in management. Ken's passion in sports brought the first women's hockey association to his community in Haldimand. Ken's leadership style and commitment to his community led him to become the Mayor of Haldimand for 3 consecutive terms. Ken has a passion for helping others and solving complex issues. The experience in private and public matters has given him the ability to help find rational and reasonable solutions in most situations.
Michael Menezes has 25 years of senior leadership experience as a Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer in Financial Services and Agribusinesses in North America and Asia with specific expertise in Business, Finance and Technology. He served on the Board of Directors and as Audit Chair of WNS (Holdings) Limited with oversight of Regulatory, Compliance and Risk where he successfully collaborated on strategic alliances, led complex transformation initiatives, and managed diversity. Michel enjoys involvement in the Community including with the Board of Governors at the University of Guelph and as an Executive-in-Residence with Toronto Metropolitan University mentoring MBA students. His career has included key roles in companies like BMO Financial Group and ITC Ltd, India. Michael was awarded a Master's from the London School of Economics, UK and a Chartered Accountant from India. He has strong analytical and communication bringing a balance of governance, stewardship and passion for the role….and, a sense of humour!
George Politis is a successful businessman who was responsible for the day-to-day operations of an environmental business in Canada for over 17 years. George has a strong regulatory background. A desire to serve his province, is a volunteer involved in several fundraising initiatives in his community, a member of the Chemical Institute of Canada, a member of the Canadian Forces College, and a Director on the Board of the Ontario Printing and Imaging Association.
Mathieu Quesnel is a lawyer who was called to the Ontario Bar in 2003. He grew up in the small town of Casselman in Eastern Ontario. Mathieu distinguished himself by serving his community as a municipal Councillor for nearly a decade. While being a municipal Councillor, Mathieu went to the University of Ottawa and graduated from the Civil Law program (LL.L.) in 2001 and the Common Law program (LL.B.) in 2002. Mathieu opened his own law firm in 2008 and has been practicing law in Casselman where he practices real estate law, wills, estates, and corporate law. Before opening his law firm, Mathieu worked for a law firm where he practiced criminal law, civil litigation, and real estate. Mathieu if fluent in French and English.
Jennifer Gold is a Partner of Wood Gold LLP in Peel Region and a Bencher at the Law Society of Ontario. In 2021, Jennifer was appointed a Dispute Resolution Officer of the Superior Court of Justice to assist in early resolution of cases. She has completed a Certificate in Family Mediation and, in keeping with her professional commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, has also completed the University of Alberta’s course, Indigenous Canada, and The Path. She is Past President of the Board of Directors of the Women’s Law Association of Ontario and is a Board Member of the Ontario Justice Education Network. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Legal Aid Ontario where she chairs the Audit and Finance Committee. Jennifer is the 2021 recipient of the Ontario Bar Association’s Award of Excellence in Promoting Women’s Equality and a 2017 Lexpert Zenith Award celebrating the advancement of women in the legal profession.
Gregory Ingram, of Peterborough, is a Member of the Ontario Land Tribunal, former Superintendent of Education for Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (retired), and Board Member of Support Ontario Youth. He was elected to Bobcaygeon Village Council and Hydro Commission between 1991-1997 and holds a Master of Education with the University of Toronto.