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Appointee Biographies

Temagami Forest Management Corporation


Faye Johnson is a Registered Professional Forester with a career that spans over 30 years. During that time, she has gained expertise in many areas including forest operations and silviculture, trade, timber pricing and economic development. She has been involved in strategic policy development in both public and private sector organizations. Throughout her career she has worked with First Nations peoples and communities to enhance economic opportunities such as leading the province's resource revenue sharing initiative. Faye has held executive positions on a variety of Boards including those overseeing Sustainable Forest License areas, Crown Agencies, and professional organizations. She is passionate about the social and economic wellbeing of northern and rural communities and has demonstrated commitment to advancing their success.


John Kenrick is a former Deputy Mayor, Councillor, and Chair of General Government and Finance with the Municipality of Temagami and a former Director in the Finance and Business Services Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources. His community involvement includes serving as a member and Chair with the District Manager's Local Citizens Committee on Forestry.


Jeff Barton is Owner and Principal of Barton Consulting Services and former Manager with Cheminis Lumber and Liskeard Lumber Limited. His community involvement includes serving as a board member of the Elk Lake Eco-Resource Centre.


Jessica Chevrier is the General Manager with Algonquin Nation Human Resources and Sustainable Development and former Lands and Membership Administrator with Timiskaming First Nation. She is a former Timiskaming First Nation Vice Chief.


Douglas McKenzie held several positions with Temagami First Nation including Resource Development Advisor, Land Claims Negotiator, Major Project Manager and managing the Public Works Department, and Health Services Program. His community involvement has included serving as Manager for the Bear Island Ball Club.


Robert Tomchick is a former General Manager with Wahgoshig Resources Inc. and a former Woodlands Manager, Iroquois Falls Woodlands, for Resolute Forest Products. His community involvement includes serving as a volunteer with Friends of the Bruce District Parks.


Peter W. Street, R.P.F. has over 40 years of forestry experience in Ontario: including supervising (harvesting & silvicultural operations), forest management planning, and SFL Management responsibilities. Peter is the owner of Edge Forestry Consulting Ltd. and recently retired after 20 years from the General Manager’s position with The Vermilion Forest Management Company Ltd. (VFM), in Sudbury and Nipissing Forest Resource Management Ltd. (NFRM), in North Bay. Peter is now working part-time for the Forestry Futures Trust Committee, as the Independent Forest Audit Co-Ordinator. Peter was the President of the OPFA in 2018-2019.


Resident of Norfolk County with a passion & interest in forestry both on public & private lands. A true appreciation of the importance of forestry within Ontario & beyond came about through working along side a multitude of stakeholders & experts in their own respective fields. Graduated in partnership between Lakehead University & University of Waterloo specializing in forestry & natural resources management. Retired early due to the onset of multiple sclerosis but had the great opportunity having been employed by the OMNR Forestry & Nursery division, Forestry Canada & at the local level as Superintendent of Haldimand & Norfolks Forest Conservation Service. I have sat on a number of boards & agencies but the efforts I am most proud of include the Alternative Land Use Services advisory board, advisory to the Norfolk Woodlot Owners & as municipal lead of bringing forth Ontarios first Good Forestry Practices regulations. Currently residing in Lynedoch, Ontario with my family of 3.