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Data Authority Implementation Team

Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Established under the authority of Section 6.1 of the Ministry of Government Services Act

The Data Authority Implementation Team (DAIT) acts as an expert advisory body to provide insight into the development and implementation of the Data Authority. 

Until Nov. 30, 2024 with the possibility of extension, the DAIT will provide expert advice, both formally and ad hoc, for the Data Authority initiative, verbally or in writing, specifically: 

• On the implementation of the Data Authority;
• On the development and scoping of priority use cases; and
• Best data governance practices with respect to security, privacy, transparency and public engagement. 

The DAIT may provide strategic advice, input and feedback for the Data Authority Initiative on emerging policy issues on data access, data ethics, and data governance. 

The DAIT may also provide strategic advice and input, if requested by the Ministry, on other related data issues of importance to government. 


DAIT is made up of up to ten members, with two members designated as Chair and Vice-Chair, appointed by the Minister.


The Chair and members of the DAIT will be supporting this work for a term duration up to November 30th, 2024, with a possibility for extension.

The DAIT shall meet on a monthly-basis or as requested by the Chair.

Members will be paid $300 per diem, with an average of one workday per week.

Appointments & Vacancies

No. Position Member Term Location
1. Chair (Part-Time)
2. Vice-Chair (Part-Time)
3. Member (Part-Time)
4. Member (Part-Time)
5. Member (Part-Time)
6. Member (Part-Time)
7. Member (Part-Time)
8. Member (Part-Time)
9. Member (Part-Time)
10. Member (Part-Time)