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Ontario Health

525 University, 5th floor
Connecting Care Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 5, Sched. 1 (opens a new window)

The objects of the agency are

(a)  to implement the health system strategies developed by the Ministry;

(b)  to manage health service needs across Ontario consistent with the Ministry’s health system strategies to ensure the quality and sustainability of the Ontario health system through,

(i)  health system operational management and co-ordination,

(ii)  health system performance measurement and management, evaluation, monitoring and reporting,

(iii)  health system quality improvement,

(iv)  clinical and quality standards development for patient care and safety,

(v)  knowledge dissemination,

(vi)  patient engagement and patient relations,

(vii)  digital health, information technology and data management services, and

(viii)  support of health care practitioner recruitment and retention;

(c)  to plan, co-ordinate, undertake and support activities related to tissue donation and transplantation in accordance with the Trillium Gift of Life Network Act;

(d)  to support the patient ombudsman in carrying out their functions in accordance with the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010;

(e)  to support or provide supply chain management services to health service providers and related organizations;

(f)  to provide advice, recommendations and information to the Minister and other participants in the Ontario health care system in respect of issues related to health care that the Minister may specify;

(g)  to promote health service integration to enable appropriate, co-ordinated and effective health service delivery;

(h)  to respect the diversity of communities and the requirements of the French Language Services Act in carrying out its objects; and

(i)  any other prescribed objects.


The board of directors of Ontario Health shall consist of not more than 15 members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall designate a chair and at least one vice-chair from among the members of the board of directors.


The members of the board are appointed for a term of up to three years at the pleasure of the Lieutenant Governor in Council and may be reappointed for any number of terms of up to three years. No person may be a member of the board for more than six years in total. If a person ceases to be a member of the board before the term of the member expires, the first term of the person’s successor shall be for the remainder of the first person’s term.

The board of directors of Ontario Health shall meet regularly throughout the year and in any event shall hold at least four meetings in each calendar year.

Appointees are remunerated according to Schedule A, Level 2 of the Agencies and Appointments Directive

Appointments & Vacancies

No. Position Member Term Location
1. Chair (Part-Time) CATHERINE ZAHN
07-Mar-2024 - 06-Mar-2027
2. Vice-Chair (Part-Time) ELYSE ALLAN
07-Mar-2022 - 06-Mar-2025
3. Member (Part-Time) JACQUELINE MOSS
07-Mar-2024 - 06-Mar-2025
4. Member (Part-Time) JAY ASPIN
07-Mar-2023 - 06-Mar-2025
north bay
5. Member (Part-Time) PAUL TSAPARIS
07-Mar-2022 - 06-Mar-2025
6. Member (Part-Time) GILLIAN KERNAGHAN
13-Mar-2022 - 12-Mar-2025
7. Member (Part-Time) JEAN-ROBERT BERNIER
09-Apr-2022 - 08-Apr-2025
8. Member (Part-Time) CAROLINE HUNT
13-Jul-2023 - 12-Jul-2025
9. Member (Part-Time) TOM FLYNN
09-Nov-2023 - 08-Nov-2025
10. Member (Part-Time) NEIL FRASER
11-Jan-2024 - 10-Jan-2026
11. Member (Part-Time) LYNDA HAWTON
25-Nov-2024 - 24-Nov-2027
12. Member (Part-Time)
13. Member (Part-Time)