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Deputy Judges Remuneration Commission

Treasury Board Secretariat
O.C. 1788/2006

The Commission shall conduct an inquiry into the remuneration of deputy judges and shall submit a report to the Minister with recommendations on the per diem rate to be paid to deputy judges and the payment of reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their duties. The Commission may include in a report recommendations to improve its structure and processes. The first Commission shall submit a report containing its recommendations for the period beginning January 2005 and ending December 31, 2009 to the Minister on or before a day that is eight months after the Commissioner's appointment commences. The Commission shall thereafter submit a report containing its recommendations for the three-year period that it considered for the Minister on or before January 1, 2010 and on or before January 1 every third year thereafter. The Minister shall submit each of the Commission's reports to the Lieutenant Governor in Council and then table the report in the Assembly. The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall give full consideration to, but is not bound by, the reports of the Commissioner. The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall give the Commission its response to the recommendations, including reasons if not accepted, no later than four months after the report was submitted to the Minister. If the Minister determines that more than four months is required to respond to the recommendations, the Lieutenant Governor in Council shall give its response to the recommendations no later than seven months after the report was submitted to the Minister.


The Commission shall be composed of a single Commissioner selected jointly by the Association and the Minister. The Minister appoints the Commissioner.


The Commissioner's term of office is three years, and the Commissioner including the first Commissioner is eligible for reappointment. In the event that the Commissioner's office becomes vacant, the parties shall select a replacement, and the Minister shall appoint the selected person to the Commission for the remainder of the term of the person being replaced.


The Commissioner of the Deputy Judges Remuneration Commission has their remuneration fixed by the Management Board.

Appointments & Vacancies

No. Position Member Term Location
1. Commissioner