Appointee Biographies
Association Des Enseignantes Et Des Enseignants Franco-Ontariens (Aefo) Employee Life and Health Trust
Sylvie Charest, of Toronto, is the Founder of Charest Consulting, and Director of Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund Management and Regulatory Effectiveness of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario. She is the former Chief Executive Officer of Operating Engineers Benefits Administration Corporation.
Michel Lavigne is a partner and co-founder of Vaillancourt Lavigne Ashman LLP SRL. He is a member of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPAO) and Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec (CPAQ). He was elected a Fellow of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2013. He is a Licensed Public Accountant in Ontario and CPA auditor in Québec. He is a member of the Technical Group Assurance of CPAQ. He formerly served as member of the Council of CPAO and member and chair of the ICAO Small Practice Committee and the Outaouais Chartered Accountants Association. He has been a Public Domain (PD) author and course leader for CPAQ and provided PD courses for CPAO and Chartered Professional Accountants of New Brunswick (CPANB). He provided financial literacy courses to employees of a major Canadian bank and lectured at the University of Ottawa and Université du Québec en Outaouais. He is a director of Montfort Renaissance and Le Patro d’Ottawa. His past community involvement has included being a member of the Board of Directors of The Ottawa Hospital, member of the Ottawa CRA TSO/Tax Practitioners Tax Advisory Committee, and numerous community and professional bodies.