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Conservation Halton

Natural Resources
2596 Britannia Road West
Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER C.27, ss 14(4) (opens a new window)
OIC 1204/2022

On December 8, 2020, Bill 229, the Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020, received Royal Assent. Schedule 6 of Bill 229 made changes to the Conservation Authorities Act and the Planning Act to improve the governance, oversight and accountability of conservation authorities, while respecting taxpayer dollars by giving municipalities more say over the conservation authority programs and services for which they pay. New powers proclaimed under subsection 14(4) of the Conservation Authorities Act allow the Minister to appoint an agricultural sector representative to each conservation authority membership to increase agricultural sector perspectives in conservation authority operations.  


The Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry may appoint an agricultural sector representative to each conservation authority, which is otherwise made up of municipally appointed members.


• resident in a participating municipality in which the CA has jurisdiction (subsection 14(3) of the CAA), and

• knowledge of and experience in/with the local agricultural sector. 


Agricultural sector representative members are appointed by Minister’s letter for a term of up to four (4) years, as may be determined by the Minister, in accordance with the CAA, and their terms are subject to renewal. The Minister’s appointment/s of agricultural sector representatives to CA membership is made at the pleasure of the Minister.

Meetings will be determined by each conservation authority to which agricultural sector representatives are appointed.

Agricultural sector appointees will be offered remuneration on a per diem basis when appointed to a CA where per diems are offered to its municipally appointed members. The appointee of this CA is to be remunerated $150 per diem according to Schedule A, Level 1 of the Agencies and Appointments Directive as they will be appointed to a CA that does remunerate its other members. Appointees are reimbursed for mileage and other reasonable expenses incurred while performing duties of this position in accordance with the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive. 

Appointments & Vacancies

No. Position Member Term Location
1. Member (Part-Time)