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Ontario Internal Audit Committee - Education Sector Audit Committee

Treasury Board Secretariat
777 Bay Street, 25th Floor
416 327 9512

An independent portfolio-based audit committee established as a subcommittee of the Ontario Internal Audit Committee (OIAC) with a mandate to:

  • Provide advice and recommendations through the OIAC Chair to the President of the Treasury Board, including in consultation with the Secretary of the Cabinet, applicable ministries and the Ontario Internal Audit Division, on sector audits, specific to this sector, to be included in the annual Audit Plan.
  • Support, in collaboration with Deputy Ministers and senior ministry management, information sharing across Sector Audit Committees (SACs) to provide OIAC with sector specific and government-wide perspectives of internal and external risks.

This is not a separate agency, it is a subcommittee of the OIAC and is displayed separately for clarity.


The Education SAC portfolio includes:

  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Colleges and Universities

The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint up to three external members for each SAC. Internal members will be appointed by the Minister, nominated by the Secretary of the Cabinet.


Members shall be appointed at pleasure for a term of up to 3 years.

Four in-person meetings per year (meetings may range from half to one day in length, as appropriate). Additional meetings may be convened as required.

External members appointed to each SAC are remunerated at $600 per diem for the Chair and $400 per diem for members. Internal members appointed to the SACs, are not remunerated.

Appointments & Vacancies

No. Position Member Term Location
1. Chair (Part-Time) ROBERT LAMOUREUX
09-May-2024 - 08-May-2027
2. Member (Part-Time) PAULE-ANNY PIERRE
19-Dec-2022 - 18-Dec-2025
3. Member (Part-Time) DAVID WAI
22-Sep-2023 - 21-Sep-2026
north york
4. Member (Part-Time) KATE MANSON-SMITH
22-Sep-2023 - 21-Sep-2026
5. Member (Part-Time) MARC TASSE
26-Jun-2024 - 25-Jun-2027